CAT is the most precious and reputed exam conducted every year to choose the most talented students to pursue an MBA course. It is considered one of the toughest exams but all you need here is the right preparation to reserve your seat in India’s top college. The CAT exam is conducted by IIMs of India and done annually on a rotational basis. The motive is to choose the most talented students by analysing their performance in verbal ability and reading comprehension, data interpretation and logical reasoning, and quantitative ability.

CAT Exam Highlights
Duration – it’s a 2-hour MCQ and subjective computer-based test only available in English medium.
Eligibility – Students aiming to pursue this course need to be bachelor’s graduates with a minimum 50% aggregate for the general category and 45% for reserved categories.
Pattern – 40 minutes are reserved for each section with 66 questions from all sections.
Syllabus- let’s have a detailed knowledge about each subject:
- Quantitative aptitude: geometry. Algebra, arithmetic, mensuration, trigonometry, modern maths, and a few sub-topics also.
- Data interpretation: data structure, data sufficiency, tables, pie charts, graphs, and more.
- Logical reasoning: series, coding, decoding, family tree, blood relations, seating arrangements, and assumptions.
- Verbal ability and reading comprehension: reading comprehension, fill in the blanks, para jumble, para completion, vocabulary, grammar, and subtopics.
How to prepare for the CAT exam?
The CAT exam is an entrance-level exam under which lakhs of students register every year out of which only a few thousand students get seats in India’s top colleges which increases competition every year. To get into your dream college, a candidate needs to go through the syllabus of the CAT exam and need to make a proper timetable.
Other than this, you can opt for alternative methods of coaching classes. We highly recommend students join CAT exam coaching in Delhi.
There are numerous benefits of CAT exam coaching in Delhi:
- Access to experienced faculty- this is the foremost reason why students prefer CAT exam coaching, as it gives them access to experienced faculty serving in the field over the years. There are highly experienced faculties available at CAT exam coaching classes who are highly dedicated to passing on their quality education to the learners which helps them to boost the score in marks and gives them enough confidence to enhance their overall performance.
- Exceptional learning practices- it eases the learning for students if they are provided with the best techniques and tips to be more productive in the field and the experienced experts at best CAT coaching in Tilak Nagar provide you with the most trusted experts have highly professional skills and dedicated to serve determined to provide student’s an easy concept to do better in the field and the tips and tricks provided by experts, if followed chances of scoring good marks also rises.
- Improve productivity- the only thing that makes students more productive and efficient is the quality education offered by the best CAT coaching in Delhi. They offer you all the necessary things a student needs while preparing for the exam and become more productive when coordinated by experienced faculty who are focused only on solving doubts and problems of students to make sure that there is no consequence in scoring the best for the exam.
- Becoming more confident- right learning of the subject through the experts makes the student more confident and enhances the performance of the students with their exclusive teaching formulas. They are provided with more efficient and productive ways to do better in the exam and get their seats reserved at the best colleges in India. As students get chances to coordinate with their mentors regarding all the problems and regular tests and mocks, the enhanced performance makes the student more confident.
- Better academic performances- to keep a check on your performances, the best CAT coaching in Tilak Nagar takes the help of regular mocks and tests to get the chance to know the individual weaknesses and later on solve them with the best techniques and tricks to make them more efficient in the field and to boost their score in the final exam and have the college of their dreams. To make sure of enhanced productivity of students, here special doubt sessions are conducted in the best CAT coaching in Delhi.
- Time management- it is the basic thing, a student needs while preparing for the exam and the best CAT coaching in Delhi has highly experienced experts focused on the overall performance of the student and from the very beginning of preparation taught the student the importance of time management and this feature is not limited to students only, the best CAT coaching in tilak nagar also apply this and give prepare the time of teaching, practice, and revision for efficient results from the students. The experts will help you to know how to attempt and how much time is given to the one question.
- Personalised attention- students must have personalised attention as it helps them to get good scores and stay focused on the exam only. The best CAT coaching in Delhi provides you the option of smaller batches where they are only focused on this student and help them with every doubt and provide the best solution for their problems. It also makes a good relation between teacher and student where they can freely open up with their experts and can freely ask anything.
There are innumerable best CAT coaching in Delhi, which confuses the student to choose which one of them but it’s nothing to worry and to ease your search, we at Dhirati Education offer you the best CAT classes in Delhi.
Dhirati Education is a team of highly experienced experts focused only on providing quality education to students for assured results with the best CAT coaching in Delhi. we have highly professional experts keen to pass on their quality education to the students for the most appropriate results and to ensure good marks in the exam.
We have successfully served thousands of students till today and are still providing quality education and helping a lot of students achieve their goals. We have years of experience in the field and provide all the basic amenities at best CAT coaching like materialized resources, and better analytics, to benefit students the most, we have provided access to professional and experienced experts.
We are serving to promote the importance of education and to meet the needs of this dynamic field, we keep ourselves up to date with the latest technology and advancement to provide students with a comprehensive solution at a single stop.
We are here to serve not to compete with others, and with the same motive of serve, we decided to keep our classes at very reasonable rates so anyone can afford this and must achieve their goals under the supervision of experts.
We welcome student with warm hearts who wants to learn and grow with us and for students choosing Dhirati education we want them to know that our quality education is not only limited to the best CAT coaching in Tilak Nagar but here we also offer you classes for MBA, , few government exams like sbi po, ibps po, CIVILS and other than this you can also choose dhirati education for study abroad exams like GMAT, GRE and IELTS.